Tuesday, September 7, 2010



But with like, actual things, not the nonethings that tend to keep me away. Most noteworthy of which was attending All Tomorrow's Parties, which was fantastic and might warrant a write-up. Also, that whole Antichrist movie, I dunno what to make of it. I want to like it, what with all the incredibly moody atmospheric touches and bizarre torture (which may have trumped August Underground in my books for "most disturbing genital mutilation"), but at other times it borders on ridiculous and awkwardly "artsy". Worth a watch, though.

Something to check out right now: Silber is putting out a wicked cool webzine called QRD, which is basically the guitar nerd equivalent of "Dear Penthouse..." as some of the more innovative musicians out there (folks from Melt-Banana, Master Musicians of Bukkake, Tera Melos, etc) talk about their techniques, tricks, and, most importantly, their gear. Hop on it.

Things in the pipeline: Sleep In, America Addio, Kissing Club, etc.

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