Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sleeping Heart

Giles Corey - "Sleeping Heart"

Giles Corey- Sleeping Heart from Justin Donais on Vimeo.

Easily one of my most anticipated albums of the year is the upcoming full-length by Giles Corey - aka one half of Have a Nice Life - which has been a long time coming, having demos kicking around the internet since basically HANL came out as totally a thing. Totally downer doom-country that, while not explicitly about being crushed to death, is nonetheless thematically heavy and oppressive with the music ranging from stripped-down voice-and-guitar suicide notes to surprisingly lush ghostly full-band Americana. Pre-orders should be going live soon, and of course the packaging is going to be phenomenal and include some lengthy, vague/threatening "book" that is sure to end lives.

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